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AI Research Institution NABLAS

AI Consulting / R&D

Support You from AI/DX Consultation to Project Launch, System Implementation, and Talent Development

Data Analysis and Organization

AI Implementation 

Project Strategy Proposal

Project Design and Budgeting


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Comprehensive AI Strategy Support from Upstream to Downstream

We provide extensive support for formulating AI strategies, preparing for the AI/DX era. From data collection, organization, and analysis to surveys and technology development, we offer a consistent framework of solutions necessary for technological development, reducing the burden on your business. We plan and propose strategies for enhancing market competitiveness through new service development, improving operational efficiency, and fostering talent.


Expert Team Supporting Technological Development

Based on AI consulting, we develop, research, and support the implementation of highly competitive AI technologies to solve your challenges. By utilizing your company's data and assets and integrating them with advanced AI technologies, we collaboratively research and develop new services and products. Our specialized teams, each with high expertise in areas such as image recognition, speech analysis, and natural language processing, lead the way in technological development.

Are you facing these challenges
with AI implementation?

Considering Machine Learning and AI, but...

Can't calculate ROI design projects. 


Many Potential AI Applications, but...

Unsure which to prioritize, and ongoing projects are stalled.


Need to Strengthen AI in the Company, but...

Unsure of what steps to take


Currently AI Systems Not Performing Well...

Need guidance on

how to improve them



What we can do

Comprehensive Support for Business Improvement, New Business Launches, R&D, and HR Development

With our integrated AI solutions, we comprehensively support the necessary processes for advancing AI projects. From consulting to implementation and subsequent operation, we handle many tasks, providing cost advantages and significantly reducing the burden on project managers and companies, allowing them to focus on their core business. We offer a consistent framework of solutions for technological development, including data collection, organization, analysis, surveys, and technology development. Additionally, we support the training of in-house AI talent and the internalization of AI utilization.



Problem Solving Flow

Thorough interviews from challenges to business strategy.

We conduct interviews from on-site challenges to business strategy, including identifying issues, desired AI applications, and post-AI implementation goals.


Create stories from issue identification to resolution.

We work closely with clients to determine how AI can be utilized specifically for their business strategy, how it should be implemented, and the anticipated changes post-implementation.


Accurate technology selection

and solution proposals

We identifying which challenges can and cannot be addressed with AI. Challenges addressable by AI are developed through R&D efforts, conducting research towards technological development.


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